2717-2171 :ISSN

SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology

  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Touhami Lanez
  • Publication Period: Quarterly
  • This is an Open Access Journal
SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology is one of the SRPH Press journals that is published by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes. The SJFST, is the scientific-research quarterly in the field of Fundamental Sciences and Technology. The official language of journal is English with Persian abstract.
SJFST considers articles from following research fields:

Materials Sciences: Physics and Chemistry of materials, synthesis, development, properties studies and applications of different Inorganic and Organic materials and compounds.
Physical Sciences: Mathematics and studies related to physical properties of materials. Developments in Computer Sciences and engineering and applications studies.
Chemical Sciences: Articles from fundamental to applied research in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
Environmental Sciences: Research and advances in understanding different aspects of environment, pollution, toxicological studies, and developments in remediation / protection of environment.
Technology and Engineering: Engineering of new materials development, application development, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, industrial engineering and technological development in materials applications.
Biological and Pharmaceuticals Sciences: Development of different biological materials (biomass etc) sciences, biomaterials engineering, polymers, and studies in pharmaceutical sciences.


Contact information for the journal office

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P.O. Box 9461993234 , Shahryar St, Shirvan,, Iran.

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Peer-review process
All submitted articles are evaluated at the submission to meet the structural and subject principles of SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology. The matched articles will gone under a double-blinded peer-review process by at least 3 reviewers (expert in the field who are not part of the journal’s editorial staff) who are selected by the Editorial Board members according to their field specialties. The Editorial Board members have the final responsibility to select the articles.
Governing body
SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology is under the scientific control of Editorial Board whose members are recognized experts in the subject areas included within the journal’s scope. Some executive roles of the Editorial Board members are delegated to the Editor-in-Chief who is well-known in the journal’s scope.
Editorial team
SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology is under the scientific supervision of the Editorial Team whose members are all experts with high number of publications in their field.
Author fees/Access
There are No Fees or Charges at all for submission, reviewing and publishing processes in SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology.
SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology follows the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing.
The content of SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, we are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants you such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.
Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
Publisher and editors of SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology are reasonable to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. In doing so, SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology follows COPE’s guidelines in dealing with allegations.
Ownership and management
SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology is owned by SRPH, Iran, and is managed and published by YektaPub Co.
Conflicts of interests
All SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology Editorial Board members and the Editor-in-Chief submitted articles are gone under the same reviewing process as the other authors gone. In the cases that a reviewer suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript or a reader suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a published article (all authors are filling the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest at the submission time) SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology will follow COPE’s guidelines.
Revenue sources/Advertising/Direct marketing
SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology is financially supported completely by SRPH, Iran, and has no other sources for earning funds. SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology accepts No advertisements in the site or even as a report article.
Publishing schedule/Archiving
SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology is published 4 issues per year. All the content from the beginning to the end will be available for ever on SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology exclusive website. Also SRPH Journal of Fundamental Sciences and Technology is included at SID and has the plan to enter to Scopus and  Clarivate databases.

Retraction Policy
SJFST supports the view that publishing ethics are of the utmost importance and will strive to maintain the integrity of the scholarly record.Occasionally, there are exceptional circumstances that result in a retraction of a published article: violations of ethical conduct, which include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, multiple submissions of the same article, fraudulent use of data, and invalid claims of authorship. Retractions may be requested by authors or the editor of a journal, and such requests for retraction are investigated thoroughly, following COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. Should the investigation lead to a retraction of the article, a retraction notice is published in the next available issue. In the online version of the retracted article, the retraction notice will be attached to the original version, and the title and abstract of article will be retained in the HTML version.  PDF of the document will be removed, but the metadata (title, abstract and authors) remain with “Retracted” in front of the full title.


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Ansari, Mojtaba; Associate Professor
Affiliation: SRPH, Tehran, Iran
Email: ansari_m@srpub.org
Tel: 02188008090

Pourjafar ,Mohammadreza; Professor
Affiliation: SRPH, Tehran, Iran
Email: pourja_m@srpub.org
Tel: 02182883731​
Editorial Board

Ayvazian, Simon
; Professor of Architecture
Affiliation: University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Email: ayvazsim@ut.ac.ir
Tel: -
Bemanian, Mohammad Reza; Professor of Architecture
Affiliation: SRPH, Tehran, Iran
Email: bemanian@srpub.org
Tel: -
Taghvayi, Ali Akbar, Associate Professor of Urban and Rural Planning
Affiliation: SRPH, Tehran, Iran
Email: taghvaea@srpub.org
Tel: +98 (21) 82883721
Tehrani, Farhad; Associate Professor -
Affiliation: Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Email: f-fakhari@cc.sbu.ac.ir
Tel: -
Habib, Farah; Associate Professor
Affiliation: Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Email: f.habib@srbiau.ac.ir
Tel: -
Diba, Darab; Professor  of  -
Affiliation: Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
email: -
Tel: -
Mehdinejad, Mohammad Javad; Associate Professor of Architecture
Affiliation: SRPH, Tehran, Iran
Email: mahdavinejad@srpub.org
Tel: +98 (21) 82883739
Kalantari Khalilabad, Hosein; Associate Professor of Urban Planning
Affiliation: Academic Center of Education Culture and Research, -, -
Email: h_kalantari2005@yahoo.com
Tel: -
Mousavi, Seyed Ya'qub; Associate Professor of Social Sciences
Affiliation: Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
Email: ymousavi90@yahoo.com
Tel: -

To ensure a smooth and efficient submission process, please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Manuscript Preparation:
File Format: Submit your manuscript in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) .
Page Layout: Use a standard letter-size (8.5 x 11 inches) with 1-inch margins on all sides.
Font: Times New Roman or Arial, 12-point font size.
Line Spacing: Double-spaced throughout the document.
Sections: Clearly label sections such as Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.

2. Title Page:
Include the manuscript title, list of authors with affiliations, and corresponding author's contact information.
Provide a concise and informative title that reflects the essence of your research.

3. Abstract and Keywords:
Include an abstract of no more than 250 words summarizing the key objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
Provide 3-5 keywords that capture the main themes of your work.

4. Figures and Tables:
Ensure all figures and tables are high-resolution and clearly labeled.
Include captions for figures and tables, explaining their significance.

5. Citations and References:
Cite all sources accurately in the text and list them in the References section.

6. Ethical Considerations:
Clearly state any conflicts of interest, funding sources, or ethical approvals obtained for your research.
Ensure that your submission adheres to ethical standards in research and publication.

7. Peer Review Process:
All submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
Authors will receive feedback from reviewers to enhance the quality of their work.

8. Copyright and Licensing:
Published articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License, allowing for broad dissemination and use.

9. Manuscript Submission:
Submit your manuscript through our online submission system.
Include all supplementary materials, if applicable.

10. Manuscript Status:
Authors can check the status of their submissions through the online system.
Communication regarding acceptance, revisions, or rejection will be conveyed promptly.

11. Open Access Policy:
SJFST is an open-access journal, providing free access to all published content.

12. Contact Information:
For inquiries or assistance, contact the editorial office.


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